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factor是什么意思? factor翻译(中文文):因素, 要素, 因

一:factor是什么意思? factor翻译(中文文):因素, 要素, 因指的是影响或决定某种结果的原因或条件。在数学和科学领域,factor也可以指一个数的约数,即能够整除该数的数。



- Genetic factors can influence a person's risk of developing certain diseases. (遗传因素可以影响一个人患上某些疾病的风险。)

factor是什么意思? factor翻译(中文文):因素, 要素, 因

- Time is a major factor in our decision-making process. (时间是我们决策过程中的一个重要因素。)

- The teacher factored the equation into smaller parts for the students to understand. (老师把这个方程式分解成更小的部分让学生理解。)


1. The weather is a significant factor in determining the success of our outdoor event. (天气是决定我们户外活动成功与否的重要因素。)

2. There are many factors that contribute to climate change, including human activities and natural forces. (有许多因素导致气候变化,包括人类活动和自然力量。)

3. The price of the product is a key factor for consumers when making purchasing decisions. (产品的价格是消费者在做出购买决定时的关键因素。)

4. The company's success can be attributed to a combination of factors, such as innovation, marketing strategies, and efficient management. (公司的成功可以归功于创新、营销策略和高效管理等多种因素的结合。)

5. The doctor factored in the patient's age and medical history before making a diagnosis. (医生在做出诊断前考虑了病人的年龄和病史。)


- One of the key elements for a successful business is good customer service. (成功经营企业的关键要素之一是良好的客户服务。)

- Communication is an essential component of any healthy relationship. (沟通是任何健康关系中必不可少的组成部分。)

- Hard work is one of the key ingredients for achieving success in life. (努力工作是实现人生成功的重要因素之一。)



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