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extract什么意思? extract翻译(中文文):精, 汁, 榨出物,



用法:1. 作动词时,常用于描述从某种物质中抽取出特定成分或信息。:

- Scientists are trying to extract DNA from the bones of ancient humans.(科学家们正试图从古人类的骨骼中提取DNA。)

extract什么意思? extract翻译(中文文):精, 汁, 榨出物,

- The company uses a special process to extract oil from olives.(这家公司使用一种特殊的方法从橄榄中提取油。)

- The teacher asked the students to extract the main ideas from the text.(老师要求学生从文本中提取主要观点。)

2. 作名词时,可以指某种物质中被提取出来的精华或汁液,也可以指一段文字或音频中被摘录出来的部分。:

- Lemon extract is often used in baking to add flavor.(柠檬精常用于烘焙中增加味道。)

- This book is an extract from his diary during his travels in Africa.(这本书是他在非洲旅行期间日记的摘录。)


1. The dentist will extract your wisdom tooth tomorrow.(牙医将在明天拔掉你的智齿。)

2. The juice extractor can make fresh fruit juice in seconds.(这台榨汁机可以在几秒钟内制作新鲜的果汁。)

3. The teacher asked the students to extract the key information from the article.(老师要求学生从文章中提取关键信息。)

4. Vanilla extract is a common ingredient in many dessert recipes.(香草精是许多甜点食谱中常用的成分。)

5. She read an extract from her new novel at the book club meeting.(她在读书俱乐部上朗读了她新小说中的一段摘录。)

同义词及用法:extract还有许多近义词,常见的有extract, extract, squeeze, press等,它们都有“榨取、挤出、压榨”的意思,但用法略有不同。

- Extract通常指从某种物质中抽取出特定成分或信息。

- Extract和extract都可以指从文字或音频中摘录出来的部分。

- Squeeze侧重于通过压榨或挤压来获得某种物质。

- Press则侧重于通过压力来提取或制造某种物质。



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