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1. nurse怎么读?nurse的发音是什么?


2. nurse怎么读?nurse的发音是什么?


3. nurse怎么读?nurse的发音是什么?


1. She works as a nurse in a hospital.(她在医院做护士。)

2. My mother is a retired nurse.(我妈妈是一名退休护士。)

3. The patient was nursed back to health by the kind-hearted nurse.(这位患者得到了善良的护士的精心照料而康复。)

4. The injured bird was nursed back to health by the animal rescue team.(受伤的鸟儿得到了动物救援队员的照顾而康复。)

5. The mother nursed her sick child all night.(母亲整夜照料生病的孩子。)

4. nurse怎么读?nurse的发音是什么?


1. nursery:托儿所

2. nursing home:养老院

3. nursemaid:保姆

4. nurse practitioner:护理专家

5. nursing station:护士站

5. nurse怎么读?nurse的发音是什么?


1. The nurse is responsible for taking care of the patients' daily needs in the hospital.(这位护士负责在医院照顾患者的日常需求。)

2. She works as a nurse in a nursing home, taking care of the elderly residents there.(她在养老院做护士,照顾那里的老年居民。)

3. The patient was grateful for the attentive care provided by the nurse during his recovery process.(患者对护士在他康复过程中提供的细心照顾表示感激。)

4. The young girl aspires to become a nurse and help people in need one day.(这位年轻女孩渴望有一天成为一名护士,帮助有需要的人。)

5. The nurse gave the patient an injection to relieve her pain and discomfort.(护士给患者打了一针以缓解她的疼痛和不适。)

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结

Nurse是一个常用的英语单词,它既可以作为名词表示护士,也可以作为动词表示照料、看护。它的发音为/nɜːrs/,音标为[nəːs]。在日常生活中,我们可以通过各种场景和用例来学习和使用这个词,医院、养老院等地方都会有护士的身影。此外,nurse还可以组成一些相关词汇,如nursery、nursing home等。最后,在学习这个单词时,我们也要注意区分它作为名词和动词时的不同发音。


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