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1.panels指的是一种装饰性的木制或金属制板,通常用于墙壁、天花板或家具上。它们可以被涂上油漆、贴上壁纸或雕刻成各种图案,以增添房间的美观度。:The walls of the room were lined with intricately carved wooden panels.(房间的墙壁上铺满了精美雕刻的木质板块。)

2.panels也可以指由多个部分组成的大型平面,通常用于展示信息或作为交流工具。:The conference room was equipped with large panels displaying graphs and charts.(室配备了大型平面,用于展示图表和数据。)

3.panels还可以指由专家组成的小组,通常负责讨论特定问题或提供建议。:The government has set up a panel of experts to investigate the issue.(已经成立了一个专家小组来调查这个问题。)




1. The designer suggested using decorative panels on the walls to add texture to the room.


2. The panel of judges carefully evaluated each contestant's performance.


3. The conference featured a panel discussion on the future of technology.


4. The government has appointed a panel to review the country's education system.


5. The solar panels on the roof provide enough energy to power the entire house.



1. solar panels 太阳能板

2. decorative panels 装饰板块

3. expert panel 专家小组

4. control panel 面板

5. display panel 展示屏


1.panels是什么意思?panels的用法和例句:panels refer to decorative wooden or metal boards used on walls, ceilings or furniture, and can also refer to large flat surfaces used for displaying information or as a group of experts discussing a specific issue.

2.panels是什么意思?panels的用法和例句读音读法:panels 的读音为/pænəlz/。

3.panels是什么意思?panels的用法和例句用例:1. 设计师建议在墙壁上使用装饰性板块,以增加房间的层次感。

2. 评委小组仔细评估了每位参赛者的表现。

3. 上举行了一个关于未来技术的专题讨论。

4. 已经任命一个小组来审查的教育体系。

5. 屋顶上的太阳能板提供足够的能量来为整个房子供电。

4.panels是什么意思?panels的用法和例句组词:1. solar panels 太阳能板

2. decorative panels 装饰板块

3. expert panel 专家小组

4. control panel 面板

5. display panel 展示屏

5.panels是什么意思?panels的用法和例句中英文对照:1.panels指的是一种装饰性的木制或金属制板,通常用于墙壁、天花板或家具上。它们可以被涂上油漆、贴上壁纸或雕刻成各种图案,以增添房间的美观度。:The walls of the room were lined with intricately carved wooden panels.(房间的墙壁上铺满了精美雕刻的木质板块。)

2.panels也可以指由多个部分组成的大型平面,通常用于展示信息或作为交流工具。:The conference room was equipped with large panels displaying graphs and charts.(室配备了大型平面,用于展示图表和数据。)

3.panels还可以指由专家组成的小组,通常负责讨论特定问题或提供建议。:The government has set up a panel of experts to investigate the issue.(已经成立了一个专家小组来调查这个问题。)



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