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excitement是什么意思? excitement翻译(中文文):刺激,



例句1:The children were filled with excitement on Christmas morning.(圣诞早上孩子们充满了兴奋。)

例句2:The excitement of the crowd was palpable as the team scored the winning goal.(当球队进了决胜球时,人群的兴奋感是明显的。)

excitement是什么意思? excitement翻译(中文文):刺激,

例句3:I could feel my heart racing with excitement as I waited for my name to be called.(等待我的名字被叫出来时,我能感觉到心跳加速,充满了激动。)

例句4:The excitement of traveling to a new country is always exhilarating.(去一个新旅行的兴奋感总是令人振奋的。)

例句5:His face lit up with excitement when he saw the surprise party we had planned for him.(当他看到我们为他策划的惊喜派对时,他的脸上露出了兴奋的表情。)


1. Thrill (n.) 兴奋、激动

例句:Riding a rollercoaster always gives me a thrill.(坐过山车总是让我感到兴奋。)

2. Anticipation (n.) 预期、期待

例句:The anticipation of the new movie release was almost unbearable.(对新电影上映的期待几乎让人无法忍受。)

3. Exhilaration (n.) 欢快、兴奋

例句:The exhilaration of skydiving is unlike anything else.(跳伞的兴奋感是独一无二的。)

4. Euphoria (n.) 亢奋、欣喜

例句:Winning the championship filled the team with euphoria.(赢得冠让球队充满了喜悦。)

5. Excitement (adj.) 兴奋的、激动的

例句:The excitement crowd cheered as their team scored the winning goal.(兴奋的人群为他们的球队进了决胜球而欢呼。)




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