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1. object是什么意思?


2. object是什么意思?读音读法


3. object是什么意思?的用例

1) 物体、事物或实体:

- The room was filled with objects of different shapes and sizes.


- The police found a suspicious object in the abandoned building.


- The earth is just one of the many objects in the universe.


2) 目标、目的或对象:

- Our main object is to provide quality education to children from underprivileged backgrounds.


- She has always been my object of admiration.


- The company's object is to become the leader in the market.


3) 反对、或反对某事:

- Many people object to the new law.


- I strongly object to your proposal.


- She objected to having her personal life exposed in public.


4) 不满意、不喜欢或不同意:

- I don't object to helping you, but I need some time to think about it.


- He doesn't seem to object to the idea of moving abroad.


- She objected strongly when her brother suggested selling their family home.


5) 表示感情、态度或观点:

- The artist's main object is to express his inner feelings through his paintings.


- The politician's main object is to win the election and gain power.


4. object是什么意思?组词

- objection (n.) 反对,异议

- objective (adj.) 客观的,客观事实

- objectionable (adj.) 令人反感的,不受欢迎的

- objectify (v.) 客观看待,使具体化

- objective case (n.) 宾格

5. object是什么意思?的中英文对照

object (n.) 物体、事物或实体;目标、目的或对象;

(v.) 反对、或反对某事



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