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estate什么意思? estate翻译(中文文):状态, 不动产, 时


estate什么意思? estate翻译(中文文):状态, 不动产, 时


1. 状态:指一个人的社会地位、财富或权力等方面的状况。:He comes from a wealthy estate. (他出身于一个富裕的家庭。)

2. 不动产:指土地、房屋以及附带的建筑物和设施等财产。:She inherited a large estate from her father. (她从父亲那里继承了一大笔不动产。)

3. 时期:指某一时期或阶段。:The Victorian era was known for its grand estates and lavish lifestyles. (维多利亚时代以其宏伟的不动产和奢华的生活方式而闻名。)


1. He was born into an estate family and never had to worry about money.


2. The estate was surrounded by beautiful gardens and lush forests.


3. During the feudal era, the nobles owned vast estates and controlled the lives of their tenants.


4. The singer's estate donated a large sum of money to charity after her death.


5. The estate of the deceased was divided among his four children according to his will.



1. Property:指个人或团体拥有的所有物,可以包括不动产、动产以及其他财产。:He owns several properties in the city. (他在城市里拥有几处房产。)

2. Land:指土地或农田,也可以用来指不动产。:The land is owned by a wealthy businessman. (这块土地是一位富商所有的。)

3. Manor:指一个大型庄园,通常由一个富裕家族或贵族所有。:The manor was passed down from generation to generation in the noble family. (这个庄园代代相传在贵族家族手中。)




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