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erudition什么意思? erudition翻译(中文文):博学 hellip



例句:1. His erudition in literature and history impressed everyone in the room. (他在文学和历史方面的博学让房间里的每个人都印象深刻。)

erudition什么意思? erudition翻译(中文文):博学 hellip

2. The professor's erudition was evident in his lectures, which were filled with references to classic works. (教授的博学在他的讲座中表现得很明显,其中充满了对经典作品的引用。)

3. She has always been praised for her erudition and ability to learn quickly. (她一直因其博学和快速学习能力而受到赞扬。)

4. The erudition of the old scholar was reflected in the vast collection of books in his library. (老学者的博学在他图书馆里庞大的藏书中得到体现。)

5. Despite his lack of formal education, he possessed a natural erudition and was able to discuss a wide range of ics with ease. (尽管缺乏正规教育,他拥有天生的博学,在各种话题上能够轻松地进行讨论。)




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