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envy什么意思? envy翻译(中文文):羡慕, 嫉妒 hellip


envy什么意思? envy翻译(中文文):羡慕, 嫉妒 hellip


例句:1. She couldn't help but feel envy towards her friend's new car. 她忍不住对朋友的新车感到羡慕。

2. He was filled with envy as he watched his colleague receive a promotion. 当他看着同事获得晋升时,他充满了嫉妒。

3. The envy of others can be a source of motivation or a cause of resentment. 别人的羡慕可以是一种动力,也可以是一种怨恨的原因。

4. She tried to hide her envy when her sister announced her engagement. 当她姐姐宣布订婚时,她努力掩饰自己的嫉妒。

5. His success in life was often the target of envy from those around him. 他在生活中取得的成功常常成为周围人羡慕的对象。

同义词及用法:jealousy (n.) 嫉妒,忌妒;covetousness (n.) 贪心;resentment (n.) 怨恨;desire (n.) 渴望



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