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entirety是什么意思? entirety翻译(中文文):全部, 完全

怎么读(音标): [ɪnˈtaɪrəti]

entirety是什么意思? entirety翻译(中文文):全部, 完全



1. The entirety of the project was completed in just six months. (整个项目仅用六个月就完成了。)

2. She couldn't understand the entirety of the instructions. (她无法理解全部的说明。)

3. He dedicated his life to the study of the entirety of human history. (他将一生都献给了人类历史的整体研究。)

4. The entirety of the country was covered in snow during the winter. (整个在冬天都被雪覆盖着。)

5. The film captures the essence and entirety of the novel it is based on. (这部电影捕捉到了它所基于的小说的精髓和全部内容。)

同义词及用法:whole, completeness, totality, wholeness, fullness



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