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例句1:She has earned a lot of money by working hard.(她通过努力工作赚了很多钱。)

例句2:He earned the respect of his colleagues by always being honest.(他总是诚实的,因此赢得了同事们的尊重。)

例句3:I hope to earn enough money to travel around the world.(我希望能赚到足够的钱去环游世界。)

例句4:They earned a good reputation for their high-quality products.(他们因高质量的产品而赢得了良好的声誉。)

例句5:The company has earned a profit of over 1 million dollars this year.(今年该公司盈利超过100万美元。)

同义词及用法:gain, acquire, obtain, achieve, attain

gain: 获得,通常指通过努力、行动或经验等来获得某物。

例句:He gained a lot of knowledge by reading books.(他通过阅读书籍获得了很多知识。)

acquire: 获得,通常指通过学习、经验或训练等来获得某种技能或知识。

例句:She acquired excellent language skills by studying abroad.(她通过出国留学获得了优秀的语言能力。)

obtain: 获得,通常指通过努力、请求或交换等方式来获得某物。

例句:He obtained a scholarship to study at the prestigious university.(他获得了一笔奖学金去一所名校学习。)

achieve: 获得,通常指通过努力、行动或计划等来达成某个目标。

例句:She achieved her dream of becoming a doctor after years of hard work.(经过多年的努力,她实现了成为医生的梦想。)

attain: 获得,通常指通过努力或追求等来达到某种状态或水平。

例句:He attained great success in his career through dedication and perseverance.(他通过专注和毅力在事业上取得了巨大的成功。)

编辑总结:earn是一个常用的动词,表示通过努力、工作或投资等方式获得收入或回报。它可以用于各种场景,如工作、学习、投资等。其同义词包括gain, acquire, obtain, achieve, attain,但它们各有侧重点,需要根据具体语境选择使用。


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