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一:dive是什么意思,dive的解释 的意思:



dive的音标为 /daɪv/,其中/d/发音为清辅音/d/,/aɪ/发音为长元音/aɪ/,/v/发音为唇齿塞擦辅音/v/。



1. 指向下跳入水中或者向下俯冲:

例句1:The kids love to dive into the pool on a hot summer day. (孩子们喜欢在炎热的夏日跳进游泳池。)

例句2:The professional diver is going to dive from a height of 10 meters. (职业潜水员将从10米高的地方跳水。)

2. 指深入研究或者参与某项活动:

例句3:I decided to dive into the world of coding and learn a new skill. (我决定深入学习编程世界,掌握一项新技能。)

例句4:The detective had to dive into the case in order to solve the mystery. (侦探不得不深入调查这起案件才能解开谜团。)


1. The kids love to dive into the pool on a hot summer day. (孩子们喜欢在炎热的夏日跳进游泳池。)

2. The professional diver is going to dive from a height of 10 meters. (职业潜水员将从10米高的地方跳水。)

3. I decided to dive into the world of coding and learn a new skill. (我决定深入学习编程世界,掌握一项新技能。)

4. The detective had to dive into the case in order to solve the mystery. (侦探不得不深入调查这起案件才能解开谜团。)

5. The stock market took a dive after the announcement of the company's bankruptcy. (公司宣布破产后,股市暴跌。)


1. plunge:指快速而突然地向下移动或者投入某事物中。

例句:The daredevil plunged off the cliff into the water below. (那位胆大的人从悬崖上跳进了下面的水中。)

2. submerge:指完全被覆盖或者沉没。

例句:The submarine submerged beneath the surface of the ocean. (潜艇沉没到海洋表面以下。)

3. delve:指深入探究或者调查。

例句:The journalist delved into the politician's past to uncover any scandals. (记者深入调查家的过去,揭露任何丑闻。)


dive一词有多重含义,可以指向下跳入水中或者向下俯冲,也可以指深入研究或者参与某项活动。它的音标为 /daɪv/,发音为清辅音/d/、长元音/aɪ/和唇齿塞擦辅音/v/。在写作中,我们可以使用同义词如plunge、submerge和delve来增加语言的多样性。


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