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distribution什么意思? distribution翻译(中文文):分配,

一:distribution什么意思? distribution翻译(中文文):分配,的意思是将某物分配给不同的人或地区,以达到平衡或公平的目的。在商业领域,distribution也指商品或服务在市场上的流通和销售过程。

二:怎么读(音标)? distribution的音标为 /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn/。

distribution什么意思? distribution翻译(中文文):分配,

三:用法。distribution可以作为名词使用,也可以作为动词使用。作为名词时,它可以表示“分配”、“分发”、“分布”等含义。:“The distribution of wealth in the country is very unequal.”(这个的财富分配非常不平等。)作为动词时,它可以表示“分发”、“散布”、“传播”的意思。:“The company is responsible for distributing the products to different stores.”(公司负责把产品分发给不同的店铺。)


1. The distribution of food and supplies to the disaster area was delayed due to bad weather. (由于恶劣天气,向灾区运送食物和物资的工作被推迟了。)

2. The government has implemented a new policy to promote a more equal distribution of resources among different regions. (实施了新,促进不同地区资源更加平等地分配。)

3. The distribution of the company's profits among its employees is based on their performance and contribution. (公司利润的分配是基于员工的表现和贡献。)

4. The distribution of this species is limited to a few small islands in the Pacific Ocean. (这种物种的分布仅限于太平洋几个小岛。)

5. The distribution of flyers and posters is an effective way to promote an event. (散发传单和张贴海报是宣传活动的有效方式。)

五:同义词及用法。distribution的同义词包括allocation、dispensation、apportionment等,它们都有“分配”、“分发”的意思。:“The allocation of resources needs to be carefully planned.”(资源的分配需要仔细规划。)“The apportionment of responsibilities among team members is important for the success of the project.”(在项目成功中,把责任分配给团队成员很重要。)



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