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distant什么意思? distant翻译(中文文):远的, 关系远的



distant什么意思? distant翻译(中文文):远的, 关系远的

【三】distant作为形容词时,常用来修饰名词,表示距离遥远或者关系疏远。:a distant country(遥远的)、a distant relative(疏远的亲戚)。此外,distant还可以作为副词使用,表示距离遥远地、冷漠地。:The mountains loomed distantly in the horizon.(山脉在地平线上遥遥可见)


1. The two sisters had a distant relationship, rarely communicating with each other.(这两个姐妹之间关系疏远,很少交流)

2. The village was located in a distant valley, surrounded by mountains.(村子位于一个偏僻的山谷中,四周都是山)

3. Despite the distance, they managed to maintain a close and loving relationship.(尽管距离遥远,他们仍然保持着亲密和充满爱意的关系)

4. The sound of laughter could be heard from a distant room.(从一个遥远的房间传来了笑声)

5. He kept his emotions distant, not wanting to reveal his true feelings.(他把自己的情绪保持在疏远的状态,不想表露真实的感受)


1. Far:与distant一样,far也可以用来表示距离遥远或者关系疏远。:a faraway land(遥远的土地)、a far-off cousin(疏远的堂兄弟)。

2. Remote:remote通常用来形容地理位置偏僻、难以到达的地方。:a remote island(偏远的岛屿)、a remote village(偏远的村庄)。

3. Aloof:aloof主要用来形容人与人之间关系冷漠、疏离。:He kept himself aloof from the rest of the group.(他与这个团体其他成员保持着疏离状态)

4. Distant还可以作为动词使用,表示使距离变得更远。:The ship gradually distanced itself from the shore.(船逐渐与岸边拉开了距离)




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