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- The farmer uses an ox to plow the field.(农民用牛耕地。)

- The ox is pulling a cart full of vegetables to the market.(牛拉着装满蔬菜的车去市场。)


- He is an ox, he can lift a heavy weight easily.(他是个大力士,可以轻松举起重物。)

- Don't be such an ox, use your brain!(别这么笨,动动你的脑子!)

3.ox常用作词组“bull and ox”的简称,意为“公牛和母牛”。:

- In this farm, we raise both bulls and oxen for breeding.(在这个农场,我们养公牛和母牛来繁殖。)


- People would often sacrifice an ox to Zeus in the temple.(人们经常在宙斯神庙里向宙斯献祭一头牛。)


- The doctor prescribed a new medication containing ox to treat my illness.(医生开了一种包含氧化物的新药来治疗我的病。)

- The latest version of the software is only compatible with Windows and Mac OS.(最新版本的软件只能在Windows和Mac操作上运行。)




1. Oxen were once commonly used as a mode of transportation, but now they are mostly used in farming or for recreational purposes.(牛曾经是常见的交通工具,但现在主要被用于农业或娱乐目的。)

2. The ox is considered a sacred animal in some cultures and is worshipped as a symbol of strength and fertility.(牛在某些文化中被视为神圣动物,被崇拜为力量和生育的象征。)

3. In Chinese zodiac, the ox represents hard work, honesty, and reliability.(在十二生肖中,牛勤劳、诚实和可靠。)

4. The farmer harnessed the ox to the plow and began tilling the land.(农民给牛套上犁,开始耕地。)

5. The ox is a herbivore, feeding mainly on grass and hay.(牛是食草动物,主要以草和干草为食。)


1. oxen (复数形式)

2. ox-like (形容词,像牛一样的)

3. ox-cart (名词,牛车)

4. ox-gall (名词,牛胆汁)

5. ox-blood (名词,牛血)


1. ox是一种动物,也叫牛。- Ox is an animal, also known as a bull.

2. 他是个大力士,可以轻松举起重物。- He is an ox, he can lift a heavy weight easily.

3. 在这个农场,我们养公牛和母牛来繁殖。- In this farm, we raise both bulls and oxen for breeding.

4. 人们经常在宙斯神庙里向宙斯献祭一头牛。- People would often sacrifice an ox to Zeus in the temple.

5. 最新版本的软件只能在Windows和Mac操作上运行。- The latest version of the software is only compatible with Windows and Mac OS.



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