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dismiss什么意思? dismiss翻译(中文文):解散, 下课, 开


dismiss什么意思? dismiss翻译(中文文):解散, 下课, 开



1. The teacher dismissed the students for the day.老师下课让学生回家了。

2. The meeting was dismissed early due to lack of attendance. 由于缺席人数过多,提前结束了。

3. The company decided to dismiss several employees due to budget cuts. 公司决定因预算削减而解雇几名员工。

4. The judge dismissed the case due to lack of evidence. 因缺乏证据而驳回了案件。

5. She was dismissed from her job for repeatedly being late. 她因多次迟到而被开除了工作。


1. Discharge: 解雇,通常指正式的解雇或者的遣散。:The company discharged him for poor performance.

2. Terminate: 终止,也可以指解雇。:His contract was terminated due to budget cuts.

3. Sack: 解雇,通常指突然的、不公平的解雇。:She was sacked without any warning.

4. Fire: 解雇,通常指突然的、强硬的解雇。:He was fired for breaking company rules.

5. Let go: 放走,也可以指解雇。:She was let go from her job after the company downsized.


Dismiss是一个常用的动词,可以指解散、下课或开除。在正式场合中,通常用于解散、下课或者开除员工;在日常生活中,也可以指让某人离开或者不再考虑某事。同义词包括discharge、terminate、sack、fire和let go等,但它们之间仍有细微的差别。为避免误解,建议根据具体语境选择合适的词汇。


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