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dirt什么意思? dirt翻译(中文文):污垢, 泥土 hellip



例句:1. The children were covered in dirt after playing in the mud. (孩子们在泥巴中玩耍后满身是泥垢。)

2. The farmer plowed the dirt to prepare for planting crops. (农民翻耕土地,准备种植庄稼。)

dirt什么意思? dirt翻译(中文文):污垢, 泥土 hellip

3. He brushed off the dirt from his shoes before entering the house. (他在进屋前拂去鞋上的污垢。)

4. The city streets were filled with trash and dirt, making it difficult to walk. (城市街道上到处是垃圾和污垢,行走很困难。)

5. The mechanic found a lot of dirt and debris inside the engine, causing it to malfunction. (技工引擎内有很多污垢和碎片,导致它无法正常运转。)

同义词及用法:soil, filth, grime, dust

soil: 指一般的土壤或泥土,也可以指被污染的土地。

例句:The soil in this area is very fertile for growing crops. (这个地区的土壤非常适合种植庄稼。)

filth: 指非常肮脏、恶心的东西。

例句:The bathroom was full of filth and needed a good cleaning. (浴室里到处都是肮脏的东西,需要好好清洁一下。)

grime: 指粘稠的污垢,通常指附着在表面的污垢。

例句:The windows were covered in grime and needed to be washed. (窗户上附着着厚厚的污垢,需要洗一下。)

dust: 指细小的灰尘或粉末。

例句:She wiped the dust off the shelves before putting the books back. (她把书放回去前擦去了书架上的灰尘。)



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