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dilemma是什么意思? dilemma翻译(中文文):进退两难的局


dilemma是什么意思? dilemma翻译(中文文):进退两难的局



1. He faced a dilemma between following his heart or his family's wishes. 他面临着要么听从内心,要么听从家人意愿的两难选择。

2. The company is in a dilemma about whether to expand or downsize. 公司正为是扩张还是缩小而陷入两难境地。

3. The government is stuck in a dilemma on how to handle the current economic crisis. 陷入了如何应对当前经济危机的两难境地。

4. She was caught in a moral dilemma when she found out her friend had been lying to her. 当她朋友一直在骗她时,她陷入了道德困境。

5. The athlete faced a dilemma between competing in the Olympics or taking care of her sick mother. 运动员面临着要参加奥运会还是照顾生病母亲的两难选择。

【同义词】predicament, quandary, impasse, catch-22, bind

【用法总结】dilemma指的是一个进退两难的局面,无论选择哪一方都会遇到困难或不利。它可以用来形容任何类型的困境,无论是道德、情感、经济等方面。通常使用介词in来表示处于某种困境中。,be in a dilemma, face a dilemma, caught in a dilemma等。同时,dilemma也可以作为形容词使用,表示困难的、无法解决的。,a dilemma situation, a dilemma decision等。



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