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dial什么意思? dial翻译(中文文):刻度盘, 钟面, 转 hellip

dial [daɪəl]



1. 刻度盘:指钟表、收音机等上面的刻度盘,用来调节时间或频率。:The dial on my watch is broken.(我手表上的刻度盘坏了。)

dial什么意思? dial翻译(中文文):刻度盘, 钟面, 转 hellip

2. 钟面:指钟表、计时器等的表面,用来显示时间或时间间隔。:The clock's dial is easy to read.(这个时钟的钟面很容易阅读。)

3. 转盘:指机、收音机等上面的转动部分,用来拨号或调频。:She picked up the phone and dialed his number.(她拿起拨打了他的号码。)


1. Please turn the dial to the right to increase the volume.(请向右转动刻度盘增大音量。)

2. The dial on this radio is very sensitive, so be careful when adjusting it.(这台收音机上的刻度盘非常敏感,调节时要小心。)

3. I can't see the numbers on the clock's dial without my glasses.(没有戴眼镜我看不清楚时钟上的数字。)

4. She quickly dialed 911 when she saw her neighbor's house on fire.(她看到邻居家着火后迅速拨打了911。)

5. You need to use a coin to turn the dial on this vending machine.(你需要用硬币来转动这台自动售货机上的转盘。)


1. knob:指旋钮或把手,用来调节或某物。:She turned the knob to adjust the temperature.(她转动旋钮来调节温度。)

2. gauge:指测量仪表,用来显示某种物理量。:The fuel gauge on my car is broken.(我的车上的油量表坏了。)

3. meter:指测量仪器,可以是机械的、电子的或电气的。:The electric meter measures how much electricity we use.(电表测量我们使用了多少电。)



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