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dialogic是什么意思? dialogic翻译(中文文):对话的, 问


dialogic是什么意思? dialogic翻译(中文文):对话的, 问




Dialogic作为形容词,通常用来修饰名词,表示某种交流或对话的性质。:“The dialogic nature of the conversation helped to resolve the conflict.”(对话性质的会谈有助于解决。)


1. The dialogic approach to education emphasizes the importance of student participation in the learning process. (对话式的教育方法强调学生参与学习过程的重要性。)

2. The novel is written in a dialogic style, with multiple characters engaging in conversations throughout the story. (这本小说以对话式风格写就,故事中有多个角色进行着对话。)

3. The dialogic exchange between the two countries led to a peaceful resolution of their long-standing conflict. (两国之间的对话交流导致了长期的和平解决。)

4. In a dialogic relationship, both parties are actively engaged in listening and responding to each other's perspectives. (在对话式的关系中,双方都积极地倾听和回应彼此的观点。)

5. The philosopher believed that true knowledge can only be achieved through a dialogic process of questioning and answering. (这位哲学家认为真正的知识只能通过问答的对话过程来实现。)


1. Conversational:指某种交流方式,强调双方之间轻松自然的对话氛围。:“The conversational tone of the meeting helped to ease tensions.”(上轻松自然的交谈氛围有助于缓解紧张气氛。)

2. Interactive:指某种交流方式,强调双方之间积极互动和参与。:“The interactive workshop encouraged participants to share their thoughts and ideas.”(互动式的研讨会鼓励参与者分享他们的想法和观点。)

3. Reciprocal:指某种交流方式,强调双方之间相互作用和影响。:“The reciprocal relationship between the two artists resulted in a collaborative project.”(两位艺术家之间相互影响的关系导致了一项合作项目。)

4. Socratic:指某种交流方式,强调提出问题和探究思考的过程。:“The Socratic method involves a dialogic exchange between teacher and student.”(苏格拉底式的方法涉及教师和学生之间的对话交流。)




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