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detention是什么意思? detention翻译(中文文):拘留, 禁




1. He was held in detention for three days. 他被拘留了三天。

detention是什么意思? detention翻译(中文文):拘留, 禁

2. The teacher gave him detention for talking in class. 老师因为他在课堂上说话而给了他禁闭。

3. The detention center is overcrowded with immigrants seeking asylum. 拘留中心因为有寻求庇护的移民而过度拥挤。

4. The company policy states that any employee caught stealing will face detention without pay. 公司规定,任何到偷窃的员工将面临无薪拘留处分。

5. She was released from detention after her family paid the bail money. 她的家人支付了保释金后,她被释放出拘留所。


1. Arrest (v.):逮捕,指将犯罪嫌疑人带走并限制其自由。:The police arrested the suspect for robbery. 逮捕了这名抢劫嫌疑人。

2. Confinement (n.):,指被限制在某个地方或空间内。:The prisoner was kept in confinement for six months before his trial. 这名囚犯在审判前被了六个月。

3. Detainment (n.):拘留,指被限制在某个地方或空间内。:The detainment of the suspects was extended for further investigation. 嫌疑人的拘留被延长以进行进一步调查。

4. Restraint (n.):约束,指通过限制来某人的行为。:The doctor used restraints to keep the patient from hurting himself. 医生使用约束器来防止病人伤害自己。

5. Custody (n.):监管,指被法律保护人所监管的状态。:The child was placed in the custody of his grandparents after his parents' death. 孩子在父母去世后被交给了祖父母监管。




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