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1. neglect是指忽视、疏忽或忽略某事物或某人。它可以作为动词和名词使用,常用于描述某人对某事物的态度或行为。:The parents were accused of neglecting their children.(这些父母被指控忽视了他们的孩子。)在这个例句中,neglect作为动词使用,表示父母没有履行他们应尽的责任,导致孩子被忽略。

2. neglect还可以表示疏于照顾或保养某物。:The old house was neglected for years and was in a state of disrepair.(这座老房子被疏于照顾多年,现在已经破败不堪。)在这个例句中,neglect作为动词使用,表示房子没有得到及时的维护和保养。

3. neglect也可以指没有给予足够的重视或关注。:The professor felt neglected by his colleagues and decided to leave the university.(这位教授感到自己受到同事们的冷落,并决定离开大学。)在这个例句中,neglect作为动词使用,表示教授没有得到同事们应有的关注和重视。

4. 作为名词时,neglect指怠慢、忽略或疏忽的行为。:The child's injuries were a result of parental neglect.(这个孩子的伤害是因为父母的怠慢。)在这个例句中,neglect作为名词使用,表示父母的疏忽导致了孩子受伤。

5. 另外,neglect也可以指某物或某人被忽视或被忽略的状态。:The neglect of this issue has caused serious consequences.(对这个问题的忽视已经导致了严重后果。)在这个例句中,neglect作为名词使用,表示对这个问题的忽视已经产生了严重的后果。





1. She was accused of neglecting her duties as a teacher.


2. The government's neglect of the environment has led to serious pollution problems.


3. The neglected garden was now overgrown with weeds.


4. The child's behavior was a cry for attention due to parental neglect.


5. The company's neglect of customer complaints resulted in a loss of business.



1. self-neglect (自我忽视)

2. neglectful (疏忽的)

3. negligence (疏忽,怠慢)

4. neglected (被忽视的)

5. neglectfully (疏于管理地)


1. He was accused of neglecting his duties as a teacher.


2. The old house was neglected for years and was in a state of disrepair.


3. The professor felt neglected by his colleagues and decided to leave the university.


4. The child's injuries were a result of parental neglect.


5. The neglect of this issue has caused serious consequences.



The teacher was criticized for neglecting his duties.(这位老师因疏于履行职责而受到批评。)

The teacher was accused of neglecting the needs of his students.(这位老师被指控忽视了学生的需求。)

The teacher's neglect of his students' progress was evident in their poor grades.(老师对学生进步的忽视在他们糟糕的成绩中显而易见。)

The neglect of his teaching responsibilities resulted in a decline in student performance.(对教学职责的忽视导致学生表现下降。)

His neglectful attitude towards teaching led to complaints from students and parents.(他对教学的疏于管理态度引起了学生和家长的抱怨。)


The old house had been neglected for years and was now in a state of disrepair.(这座老房子被疏于照顾多年,现在已经变得残破不堪。)

The owner's neglect of maintenance led to the deterioration of the house.(业主对维护的忽视导致了房子的恶化。)

The neglected garden was now overgrown with weeds.(被疏于照顾的花园现在长满了杂草。)

The neglect of the property's upkeep resulted in a decrease in its value.(对物业保养的忽视导致了价值的下降。)

The landlord was accused of neglecting his responsibilities towards the tenants.(这位房东被指责忽视了对租客的责任。)


The professor felt neglected by his colleagues and decided to leave the university.(这位教授感到自己受到同事们的冷落,并决定离开大学。)

His colleagues' neglect of his contributions to the research project made him feel unappreciated.(同事们对他在研究项目中的贡献的忽视让他感觉没有受到重视。)

The professor's neglect of his students' needs led to their dissatisfaction with his teaching methods.(教授对学生需求的忽视导致了他们对他的教学方法不满。)

The university's neglect of faculty development resulted in a lack of qualified teachers.(大学对教师发展的忽视导致缺乏合格的教师。)

His decision to leave was a result of years of neglect and lack of support from the university.(他离开的决定是多年来被忽视和缺乏支持的结果。)


The child's injuries were a result of parental neglect.(这个孩子的伤害是因为父母的怠慢。)

The parents' neglect of their child's safety led to the accident.(父母对孩子安全的忽视导致了事故。)

The child's poor academic performance was a result of parental neglect and lack of support.(孩子糟糕的学习表现是因为父母的忽视和缺乏支持。)

The neglect of the child's emotional needs had a negative impact on their development.(对孩子情感需求的忽视对他们的发展产生了负面影响。)

The parents' neglectful behavior towards their child caused them to feel unloved and unwanted.(父母对孩子的疏于关心让他们感觉没有被爱和不被需要。)


The neglect of this issue has caused serious consequences.(对这个问题的忽视已经导致了严重后果。)

The government's negligence in addressing environmental issues has resulted in irreversible damage to the planet.(在处理环境问题上的疏于管理导致了无法挽回地对地球造成了损害。)

The company's neglect of safety regulations led to a major accident in the factory.(公司对安全规定的忽视导致工厂发生了重大事故。)

The neglect of mental health issues in society has resulted in a rise in mental health problems.(社会对心理健康问题的忽视导致了心理健康问题的增加。)

The neglect of the elderly population's needs has led to a lack of resources and support for them.(对老年人需求的忽视导致缺乏资源和支持。)






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