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1. 作为名词时,despair指的是一种极度的悲伤和绝望的情绪。:She was filled with despair after her husband's death.(她丈夫去世后,她充满了绝望。)

2. 作为动词时,despair指的是对现状感到绝望或失去希望。:He despaired of ever finding true love.(他对找到真爱感到绝望。)


1. After years of struggling with his illness, he finally gave in to despair.(经过多年与疾病的抗争,他最终屈服于绝望。)

2. She looked at the pile of bills on her desk and felt a sense of despair wash over her.(她看着桌子上堆积的账单,感到一股绝望涌上心头。)

3. Despite their best efforts, the rescue team began to despair of finding any survivors in the rubble.(尽管他们尽了最大努力,但救援队开始对在废墟中找到幸存者感到绝望。)

4. The constant rejection letters from publishers left him in a state of despair about his writing career.(出版商不断拒稿让他对自己的写作生涯感到绝望。)

5. As she watched her dreams crumble before her, she felt a deep sense of despair wash over her.(当她看着自己的梦想在她面前破灭时,她感到一种深深的绝望涌上心头。)


1. hopelessness:指对未来没有希望或指望的状态。:The refugees were filled with a sense of hopelessness as they faced an uncertain future.(难民们面对不确定的未来,充满了绝望感。)

2. desperation:指极度渴望或需要,常用于形容人们处于极端困境时的心理状态。:In a moment of desperation, he made a deal with the devil to save his dying wife.(在绝望之际,他与魔鬼达成协议,以拯救垂死的妻子。)

3. despondency:指因失去希望而产生的沮丧和消极情绪。:The team's repeated losses led to a feeling of despondency among the players.(球队屡次失败导致球员们产生了沮丧感。)

4. discouragement:指因遭遇挫折或困难而丧失信心和动力。:Despite the discouragement from her family, she pursued her dream of becoming an artist.(尽管受到家人的打击,她仍追求成为一名艺术家的梦想。)

5. forlornness:指被抛弃或被遗忘的感觉,常用于形容孤独和无助的心情。:As she sat alone in her empty apartment, she felt a sense of forlornness wash over her.(当她独自坐在空荡荡的公寓里时,她感到一种孤独和无助的情绪涌上心头。)




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