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derive from是什么意思,derive from的解释

一:derive from是什么意思,derive from的解释 的意思

derive from是什么意思,derive from的解释

derive from是一个英语短语,意为“源自于”,“来自于”。它表示某个事物或者观念的来源,通常指从某个地方、某个人或者某种情况中获得灵感、启发或者影响。


derive [dɪˈraɪv]

from [frɒm]


derive from通常用作及物动词短语,后接名词、代词或者动名词作宾语。它可以用于句子的主语位置,也可以放在句子的其他位置。常见的搭配有:derive something from somebody/something(从某人/某物中获得某事物)、derive inspiration from(从……获得灵感)、derive benefit from(从……获益)等。


1. The word "robot" derives from the Czech word "robota". (“机器人”一词源自捷克语中的“robota”一词。)

2. Her passion for painting derives from her childhood experiences. (她对绘画的热爱来自于她童年时期的经历。)

3. Many of the customs in this region derive from ancient traditions. (这个地区许多习俗都源自于古老的传统。)

4. The company's success is derived from its innovative products and excellent customer service. (公司的成功来自于其创新的产品和优质的客户服务。)

5. He derives great satisfaction from helping others. (他从帮助他人中获得巨大的满足感。)


1. stem from:意为“来自于”,与derive from意思相似,但它更强调事物或者观念的根源。

例句:His fear of heights stems from a childhood accident. (他对高处恐惧源自于童年时期的一次事故。)

2. originate from:意为“起源于”,强调某事物或者观念最初的来源。

例句:The tradition of wearing red on Chinese New Year originates from an ancient legend. (在新年穿红色衣服的传统起源于一个古老的传说。)

3. be influenced by:意为“受……影响”,指某人或者某事物对他人产生影响。

例句:Her decision to become a doctor was influenced by her father, who is also a doctor. (她决定成为一名医生是受到她父亲(也是一名医生)的影响。)


derive from是一个常用且多义的短语,可以表示来源、启发、影响等含义。在使用时,需要根据具体语境选择合适的同义词,避免重复使用。同时,注意与其他类似短语的区别,以免造成歧义。


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