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Dennis Gabor是什么意思,Dennis Gabor的翻译,Dennis Gabor


Dennis Gabor是什么意思,Dennis Gabor的翻译,Dennis Gabor

怎么读(音标):[ˈdɛnɪs ˈgɑːbər]

用法:Dennis Gabor通常被用作人名,特别是指这位著名的物理学家和工程师。

例句1:Dennis Gabor was a Hungarian-British physicist and engineer known for his invention of holography.

例句2:Dennis Gabor's groundbreaking work in holography earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1971.

例句3:The Dennis Gabor Award is given annually by the International Society for Optics and Photonics to recognize outstanding achievements in diffractive wavefront technologies.

例句4:The Dennis Gabor Medal is awarded by the Royal Society of London for contributions to physics, particularly in the field of optics.

例句5:The Dennis Gabor Center for Advanced Photonics at Imperial College London is named after the esteemed physicist and engineer.

同义词及用法:Dennis Gabor的同义词包括Gábor Dénes和D. Gábor,在匈牙利语中也可写作Gábor Dénes。这些名称都指代同一位著名的物理学家和工程师。

编辑总结:Dennis Gabor是一位杰出的物理学家和工程师,他的发明和贡献为光学和光子学领域带来了性的进展。他被公认为全息术之父,并因此获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。他的名字也被用来命名各种奖项、和中心,以纪念他对科学界的重大贡献。


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