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deep end什么意思? deep end翻译(中文文):深端,困境 hellip

一:deep end什么意思? deep end翻译(中文文):深端,困境 hellip

Deep end是一个英语短语,意为深处或困境。它通常用来形容一个人或者情况处于挑战性或者危险的境地。


Deep end的音标为/diːp ɛnd/。

deep end什么意思? deep end翻译(中文文):深端,困境 hellip


Deep end通常作为名词使用,表示某人或某种情况处于困难、挑战性或危险的境地。它也可以作为动词使用,表示使某人陷入困境。


1. He was thrown into the deep end when he took over the company during a financial crisis. (在公司财务危机期间接手公司后,他陷入了困境。)

2. I was completely out of my depth and felt like I was in the deep end during my first day at the new job. (我完全不懂这项工作,在第一天上班时感觉自己像是陷入了深渊。)

3. The team was thrown in at the deep end when they were asked to complete the project in half the time. (当被要求在一半的时间内完成项目时,这个团队感觉自己被扔进了深渊。)

4. She was struggling to keep her head above water in her new role and felt like she was in the deep end. (她在新的角色中挣扎着保持自己的头部在水面上,感觉自己陷入了困境。)

5. Don't be afraid to dive into the deep end and take on new challenges. (不要害怕跳入深渊,接受新的挑战。)


1. Difficult situation: 困境、困难处境

2. Challenging situation: 挑战性的处境

3. Dire straits: 绝境、困顿

4. Predicament: 困境、窘况

5. Tight spot: 窘迫、困境


Deep end是一个常用的英语短语,通常用来形容某人或某种情况处于挑战性或者危险的境地。它可以作为名词或动词使用,表示困难、挑战或危险。除了深端和困境外,还可以使用一些同义词来表达类似的意思。在写作中要注意使用恰当的时态和语态,并且避免重复使用该短语。


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