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decently是什么意思? decently翻译(中文文):高雅地, 端




1. He behaved decently at the party, impressing everyone with his manners. (他在聚会上表现得很高雅,用他的礼貌给大家留下了深刻的印象。)

decently是什么意思? decently翻译(中文文):高雅地, 端

2. The students were expected to dress decently for the school dance. (学生们被要求穿着得体参加学校舞会。)

3. The new restaurant is decorated quite decently, making it a pleasant place to dine. (这家新餐厅装修得相当不错,使它成为一个愉快的用餐场所。)

4. She spoke decently in front of the crowd, despite her nervousness. (尽管紧张,她在人群面前说话还是很得体的。)

5. The company treated their employees decently, providing fair wages and good benefits. (这家公司对待员工很体面,提供公平的工资和良好的福利。)


1. Properly: 正确地,适当地

例句:It is important to dress properly for a job interview.


2. Respectably: 值得尊敬地

例句:She has lived a respectably quiet life in the countryside.


3. Decently: 体面地,得体地

例句:The children were raised decently by their grandparents.


4. Respectfully: 恭敬地,尊重地

例句:He spoke respectfully to his elders.


5. Proper: 得体的,合适的

例句:It is important to use proper language in a formal setting.





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