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debris什么意思? debris翻译(中文文):碎片, 残骸 hellip


用法方面,debris通常作为主语或宾语出现,可以搭配动词“scatter”、“clear”、“remove”等使用。:“The debris from the explosion was scattered all over the street.”(爆炸产生的碎片散落在街道上。)“The workers are clearing the debris from the construction site.”(工人们正在清理建筑工地上的残骸。)

debris什么意思? debris翻译(中文文):碎片, 残骸 hellip


1. After the tornado, there was debris everywhere in the town.(龙卷风过后,镇上到处都是碎片。)

2. The divers searched for debris at the bottom of the ocean.(潜水员在海底搜索残骸。)

3. The firefighters had to remove all the debris to find any survivors.(消防员必须清除所有的残骸才能找到幸存者。)

4. The explosion left a trail of debris in its wake.(爆炸留下了一串残骸。)

5. The debris from the old building was recycled and used in the construction of the new one.(旧建筑的残骸被回收利用在新建筑的建设中。)

除了上述用法外,debris还可以用作形容词,表示“破碎的”、“残破的”。:“The house was destroyed and reduced to a pile of debris.”(房子被摧毁成一堆破碎的残骸。)




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