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1.number是数字的意思。:What is your phone number?(你的号码是多少?)

2.number也可以表示数量。:I have a large number of books.(我有很多书。)

3.number还可以表示序号或顺序。:This is the first number in the series.(这是系列中的第一个数字。)

4.number也可以用来表示身份证号码或车牌号码等标识符。:Please enter your social security number.(请填写你的社会安全号码。)

5.number也可以作为动词,表示给某物编号或标记序号。:The pages are numbered at the bottom.(页码在底部标记了序号。)




1. The teacher asked the students to write their student numbers on the test paper.


2. The total number of participants in the marathon was over 10,000.


3. Can you give me your phone number so I can call you later?


4. The hotel room numbers are displayed on each door.


5. The lottery numbers for this week are 2, 17, 23, 34, 45 and the bonus number is 8.



1. phone number(号码)

2. large number(大量)

3. social security number(社会安全号码)

4. page number(页码)

5. student number(学生编号)


1.number是数字的意思。:What is your phone number?(你的号码是多少?)

2.number也可以表示数量。:I have a large number of books.(我有很多书。)

3.number还可以表示序号或顺序。:This is the first number in the series.(这是系列中的第一个数字。)

4.number也可以用来表示身份证号码或车牌号码等标识符。:Please enter your social security number.(请填写你的社会安全号码。)

5.number也可以作为动词,表示给某物编号或标记序号。:The pages are numbered at the bottom.(页码在底部标记了序号。)




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