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1. outcast是指被社会或群体所排斥、孤立的人,通常也指流浪者或无家可归者。:He was an outcast, shunned by his former friends.(他成了一个被前任朋友们所避开的流浪者。)

2. outcast也可以用作形容词,表示被驱逐出社会或群体的。:The outcast man lived on the streets, with no one to turn to for help.(这个被社会抛弃的人住在街上,没有人可以求助。)

3. 这个词源于英语中的“out”(外部)和“cast”(投掷),其字面意思为“被投掷到外部”的人,暗喻被社会所抛弃。

4. 同义词包括:pariah, reject, exile, outsider等。

5. 反义词包括:inclusion, acceptance, belonging等。


1. outcast的读音为/ˈaʊtkæst/,其中“ou”发音为/dʒ/。

2. 该词在英式英语中也可发音为/ˈaʊtkɑːst/,其中“ou”发音为/aʊ/。

3. 该词在美式英语中也可发音为/ˈaʊtˌkæst/,其中“ou”发音为/aʊ/。

4. 该词的重音在第一个音节上。

5. outcast的复数形式为outcasts。


1. He was an outcast in his own family, always being treated differently and excluded from family events.


2. After losing his job and home, he became a social outcast, living on the streets and begging for food.


3. The outcasts of society often form their own communities, where they can find acceptance and support.


4. The novel tells the story of a young woman who is an outcast in her village due to her unconventional beliefs.


5. Despite being an outcast in school, she never gave up on her studies and eventually became a successful lawyer.



1. social outcast(社会弃儿)

2. family outcast(家庭弃儿)

3. cultural outcast(文化弃儿)

4. political outcast(弃儿)

5. societal outcast(社会之外的人)


1. He was an outcast, shunned by his former friends.


2. The outcast man lived on the streets, with no one to turn to for help.


3. After losing his job and home, he became a social outcast, living on the streets and begging for food.


4. The novel tells the story of a young woman who is an outcast in her village due to her unconventional beliefs.


5. Despite being an outcast in school, she never gave up on her studies and eventually became a successful lawyer.




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