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danger zone是什么意思,danger zone的解释


danger zone是什么意思,danger zone的解释

怎么读(音标):[ˈdeɪndʒər zoʊn]


例句1:Entering the danger zone without proper protective gear is extremely risky.(没有适当的防护装备进入危险区域非常危险。)

例句2:The government has issued a warning for people to stay away from the danger zone due to the potential eruption of the volcano.(发布告,要求人们远离危险区域,因为火山可能会爆发。)

例句3:It is important for hikers to be aware of the danger zones along their route and take necessary precautions.(徒步旅行者应该注意沿途的危险区域,并采取必要的预防措施。)

例句4:The pilot managed to land the plane safely despite flying through a severe weather danger zone.(尽管飞机飞越了严重的天气危险区域,但飞行员成功安全着陆。)

例句5:It is crucial for parents to educate their children about the potential dangers of playing in the danger zone near the train tracks.(家长有必要教育孩子,告诉他们在火车轨道附近玩耍的潜在危险。)

同义词及用法:hazardous area(危险区域)、perilous zone(危险区域)、risk zone(风险区域)

编辑总结:danger zone是一个常用的词汇,在日常生活中经常被提及。它可以指某个地区或情况具有潜在的危险性,也可以用作形容词来形容某个地区或情况具有潜在的危险性。了解并避免进入危险区域是保护自己安全的重要一步。


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