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dance什么意思? dance翻译(中文文):跳舞, 舞蹈, 舞会 hellip



例句:1. She loves to dance in the rain. 她喜欢在雨中跳舞。

dance什么意思? dance翻译(中文文):跳舞, 舞蹈, 舞会 hellip

2. The ballet company will be performing their latest dance production this weekend. 芭蕾舞团将在本周末上演他们最新的舞蹈作品。

3. They danced the night away at their wedding reception. 他们在婚礼接待会上跳了一整夜。

4. The children were excited to learn a traditional folk dance from their grandparents. 孩子们很兴奋地从祖父母那里学习传统民间舞蹈。

5. The dance floor was packed with people moving to the beat of the music. 舞池里挤满了随着音乐节奏移动的人群。

同义词及用法:1. jiggle (v.) 摇晃,颠簸 2. prance (v.) 昂首阔步,昂首跳跃 3. sway (v.) 摇摆,摇晃 4. twirl (v.) 转动,旋转 5. pirouette (n.) 芭蕾旋转。



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