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damnation是什么意思? damnation翻译(中文文):诅咒 hellip


damnation是什么意思? damnation翻译(中文文):诅咒 hellip


例句1:His actions led to his damnation and he was banished from the kingdom.(他的行为导致了他的诅咒,被放逐出王国。)

例句2:The priest warned the villagers of the consequences of their sins, including eternal damnation.(牧师告村民们他们的罪恶会带来后果,包括永远的诅咒。)

例句3:The cult leader promised his followers salvation from damnation if they followed his teachings.(承诺如果他们遵循他的教义,他们就可以得到免于诅咒的救赎。)

例句4:In some religions, damnation is believed to be a punishment for those who do not follow the rules and beliefs of that faith.(在一些中,诅咒被认为是对那些不遵循该信仰规则和信仰的人的惩罚。)

例句5:The condemned criminal was sentenced to eternal damnation in hell for his heinous crimes.(那名被判处的罪犯因其令人发指的罪行而被判处在地狱中永远受诅咒。)

同义词及用法:curse, condemnation, punishment, perdition



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