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cut down是什么意思? cut down翻译(中文文):砍倒, 胜过,

一:cut down是什么意思? cut down翻译(中文文):砍倒, 胜过, 表示将某物或某人从原来的位置或状态中削减、减少或消除,也可以指通过削减来改善某种情况。

二:怎么读(音标):[kʌt daʊn]

三:用法:作为动词短语,cut down可以用来表示以下几种意思:

1. 削减、减少、消除:We need to cut down our expenses in order to save money. (我们需要削减开支以节省钱。)

cut down是什么意思? cut down翻译(中文文):砍倒, 胜过,

2. 砍倒、砍伐:The workers are cutting down the trees in the forest. (工人们正在森林里砍伐树木。)

3. 击败、胜过:Our team managed to cut down the opponent and win the game. (我们的队伍设法击败对手并赢得了比赛。)

4. 降低、缩小:We need to cut down the size of this image to fit it on the webpage. (我们需要缩小这张图片的尺寸,以适应网页。)

5. 缩短、缩小(时间):We need to cut down on the time it takes for our products to reach the market. (我们需要缩短产品上市所需的时间。)


1. The doctor advised him to cut down on his sugar intake to improve his health. (医生建议他减少摄入糖分以改善健康。)

2. The government plans to cut down on carbon emissions in order to combat climate change. (计划减少碳排放,以应对气候变化。)

3. The company had to cut down its workforce due to financial difficulties. (由于财务困难,公司不得不裁减员工。)

4. The old tree in our backyard was cut down last week because it was diseased. (我们后院的老树因为患病上周被砍倒了。)

5. She managed to cut down her marathon time by 10 minutes this year. (她今年设法将马拉松时间缩短了10分钟。)


1. reduce:指通过各种手段使某物或某人的数量、大小或程度变小。

2. decrease:指数量、大小或程度的减少,常与in连用。

3. diminish:指数量、大小或程度的缩小,语气较reduce和decrease更加强调“变小”的程度。

4. lower:指将某物的高度、水平或价值降低。

5. curtail:指通过削减来限制某物的范围或规模。


Cut down是一个多义词,在不同语境下可以有不同的意思。作为动词短语,它可以表示削减、砍倒、击败、降低等含义,常用于正式场合或书面语中。为了避免重复使用,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换。在写作中,要注意使用正确的语态和时态,并根据上下文来确定cut down的具体含义。同时,也要注意与其他动词短语的区分,避免混淆。总之,掌握好cut down的用法能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。


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