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curse什么意思? curse翻译(中文文):诅咒, 咒语, 祸根 hellip


curse什么意思? curse翻译(中文文):诅咒, 咒语, 祸根 hellip



1. The witch cast a curse on the village, causing a drought that lasted for months.(女巫向村子施放了一道诅咒,导致持续数月的干旱。)

2. He couldn't s cursing his bad luck when he missed the train for the third time this week.(这周他已经第三次错过火车了,他忍不住抱怨自己的倒霉。)

3. The old man muttered curses under his breath as he struggled to fix his broken bicycle.(老人在嘟囔着诅咒,同时努力修理他坏掉的自行车。)

4. She was afraid that the curse her grandmother had put on her would come true and she would never find love.(她担心她奶奶施放在她身上的诅咒会成真,让她永远找不到爱情。)

5. The villagers believed that the sudden death of their crops was a result of a curse from the gods.(村民们相信庄稼突然死亡是因为神明下了一道诅咒。)


1. Hex: a curse or spell, especially one used for evil purposes.(诅咒或者咒语,特别是用于邪恶目的的。)

2. Jinx: a curse or spell that brings bad luck to someone or something.(给某人或者某物带来厄运的诅咒或者咒语。)

3. Damnation: the act of cursing or condemning someone to eternal punishment.(诅咒或者谴责某人受到永恒的惩罚。)

4. Anathema: a formal curse by a religious authority, often used to denounce someone or something as evil.(权威发出的正式诅咒,通常用来谴责某人或者某物为邪恶。)

5. Malediction: a curse that brings harm or misfortune to someone or something.(给某人或者某物带来伤害或不幸的诅咒。)



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