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credit什么意思? credit翻译(中文文):信任, 信用, 声望




1. She has good credit with the bank and was able to secure a loan easily. 她在银行有很好的信用,因此能够轻松获得贷款。

credit什么意思? credit翻译(中文文):信任, 信用, 声望

2. The company offers a credit system for its loyal customers, allowing them to earn points and redeem rewards. 这家公司为忠实客户提供信用,让他们可以积分并兑换奖励。

3. I don't have enough credit on my phone to make an international call. 我的手机余额不足以打国际。

4. He received all the credit for the project's success, even though his team did most of the work. 尽管是他的团队做了大部分工作,但他却得到了项目成功的所有荣誉。

5. The bank credited my account with the refund from the cancelled transaction. 银行将我取消交易的退款存入我的账户。


1. Trust (n.) 信任:指对某人或某事物的信赖和依靠。:I have complete trust in my best friend.

2. Reputation (n.) 声誉:指一个人或组织在公众中的名声。:The company's reputation was damaged after the scandal.

3. Recognition (n.) 认可:指对某人或某事物的认可和赞赏。:Her hard work finally received recognition from her boss.

4. Acknowledgement (n.) 承认:指对某事实或的认可和接受。:The government's acknowledgement of the problem was a relief to the citizens.

5. Credibility (n.) 可信度:指某人或某事物被认为是可信的。:The scientist's research gained credibility after being published in a prestigious journal.




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