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out of是什么意思?out of的用法和例句

out of是一个英语短语,意思是“从……中出来”或者“没有了”。它可以作为介词或者副词使用。下面将为大家介绍out of的具体用法和例句。

1.out of作为介词,可以表示“从……中出来”,:

- She came out of the house.(她走出了房子。)

- The cat jumped out of the box.(猫从盒子里跳了出来。)

2.out of也可以表示“没有了”,:

- I'm out of money.(我没钱了。)

- We are running out of time.(我们时间快用完了。)

3.out of还可以表示“不再处于某种状态或情况下”,:

- She is out of danger now.(她现在已经脱离危险了。)

- The team is out of the competition.(这个队伍已经被淘汰出比赛。)

4.out of也可以用来表达“超出范围”或者“超过限制”,:

- He's way out of your league.(他远远超过你的水平。)

- The price is way out of my budget.(这个价格远远超过我的预算。)

5.out of还可以表示“因为缺乏某物而无法做某事”,:

- I'm out of milk, can you get some from the store? (我没牛奶了,你能去商店买一些吗?)

- The car is out of gas, we need to fill it up. (汽车没油了,我们得加满油。)

out of的用法和例句读音读法

out of的读音为/ˌaʊt əv/,其中的“ou”发音为/dʌ/,而“of”发音为/əv/。

out of的用法和例句的用例

1. Out of all the books on the shelf, I chose this one.


2. The children ran out of the classroom when the bell rang.


3. I'm sorry, I'm out of patience.


4. She was out of breath after running for an hour.


5. The company is currently out of stock for that product.


out of的用法和例句组词

1. out of date (过时的)

2. out of reach (够不着的)

3. out of control (失控的)

4. out of sight (看不见的)

5. out of order (故障的)

out of是什么意思?out of的用法和例句中英文对照

1.out of是什么意思? - What does "out of" mean?

2.out of作为介词,可以表示“从……中出来”,: - Out of the three options, I chose the second one.(在三个选项中,我选择了第二个。)

3.out of也可以表示“没有了”,: - I'm out of ideas.(我没有主意了。)

4.out of还可以表示“不再处于某种状态或情况下”,: - She is out of danger now.(她现在已经脱离危险了。)

5.out of也可以用来表达“超出范围”或者“超过限制”,: - He's way out of your league.(他远远超过你的水平。)

6.out of还可以表示“因为缺乏某物而无法做某事”,: - I'm out of milk, can you get some from the store? (我没牛奶了,你能去商店买一些吗?)

out of是一个非常常用的短语,它有着多种含义和用法。它可以让我们表达从某处出来、不再处于某种状态、超出范围等意思,也可以形容缺乏某物而无法做某事。通过阅读本文,我相信大家已经更深入地了解了out of的含义和用法。让我们一起在日常生活中灵活运用这个短语吧!


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