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crack [kræk]


1. 作为动词:

a. 打开:The thief used a crowbar to crack open the safe.

b. :The hacker was able to crack the security system in just a few minutes.

c. 裂开:The ice on the lake began to crack under our weight.

d. 密码:I finally cracked the code and was able to access my account.

e. 喊出声来:He cracked a joke and everyone burst into laughter.

2. 作为名词:

a. 裂缝:There is a crack in the wall that needs to be fixed.

b. 爆裂声:The loud crack of thunder woke me up in the middle of the night.

c. (俚语):He's addicted to crack and has been trying to quit for years.


1. The egg cracked open and a baby chick emerged. 鸡蛋裂开了,一只小鸡出现了。

2. The detective finally cracked the case after months of investigation. 经过数月的调查,侦探终于了这个案件。

3. The mirror cracked when it fell off the wall. 镜子从墙上掉下来时裂开了。

4. She's always cracking jokes to make people laugh. 她总是讲笑话逗人笑。

5. He's been struggling with his addiction to crack for years. 他多年来一直在与(crack)的瘾战斗。


1. Split:指物体被分成两半或者裂开,也可以指人的意见或感情分歧。:The wood split in half when I hit it with an axe.

2. Break:指物体被打碎或者断裂,也可以指关系的破裂。:The vase fell and broke into pieces.

3. Burst:指物体突然爆炸或者突然爆发出声音。:The balloon burst and scared the cat.

4. Crack up (slang):表示“大笑”,也可以用来形容某人崩溃。:He always cracks up at my jokes.

5. Addiction (synonym for crack):作为名词,表示“瘾”,也可以用来形容对某物的强烈渴望。:She has a shopping addiction and can't s buying things.




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