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corrective什么意思? corrective翻译(中文文):纠正的,





1. 作为形容词,修饰名词,:corrective action(纠正措施)、corrective measures(纠正方法)

corrective什么意思? corrective翻译(中文文):纠正的,

2. 也可以作为名词,指的是一种纠正错误或者缺陷的手段或者方法,:The teacher suggested using a corrective to improve the student's writing skills.(老师建议使用一种改进学生写作技巧的方法。)


1. The doctor prescribed a corrective exercise to help with the patient's back pain.(医生开了一项矫正运动来帮助病人缓解背部疼痛。)

2. The company implemented corrective measures to address the issue of low productivity.(公司采取了纠正措施来解决低生产力的问题。)

3. The government has introduced a corrective tax to discourage people from using plastic bags.(推出了一项矫正税来阻止人们使用塑料袋。)

4. The teacher used a corrective feedback technique to help students improve their pronunciation.(老师使用了一种矫正反馈技巧来帮助学生改善发音。)

5. The corrective action taken by the company resulted in a significant increase in customer satisfaction.(公司所采取的纠正措施导致客户满意度显著提高。)


1. remedial:指的是纠正某种缺陷或者错误的行为或措施,与corrective意思相近,但更强调解决问题的效果。:The school offers remedial classes for students who are struggling with their grades.(学校为成绩不佳的学生提供补习课程。)

2. corrective action:与corrective意思相同,指的是纠正错误或者缺陷的措施。:The company took corrective action to improve workplace safety.(公司采取了纠正措施来改善工作场所安全性。)

3. rectifying:指的是通过改变或者修复来纠正错误或者缺陷,也可以作为动词使用。:The government is committed to rectifying the mistakes of the past administration.(致力于纠正过去的错误。)


corrective是一个形容词,指的是能够纠正错误或者缺陷的,也可以作为名词使用,表示一种纠正错误或者缺陷的手段或方法。它与remedial、corrective action和rectifying意思相近,但略有不同。在日常生活和工作中,我们可以使用corrective来形容任何能够改善或者纠正不良情况的行为、措施或方法。


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