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copy that是什么意思,copy that的翻译,copy that音标、读

一:copy that是什么意思,copy that的翻译,copy that音标、读的意思

copy that是什么意思,copy that的翻译,copy that音标、读

copy that是一个英语短语,常用于和通信领域,意思是“复制”、“收到”、“明白”、“同意”。它也可以表示对某人说的话或指示的回应,表示接受并将其执行。在口语中,它也可以用作肯定回答或确认信息的表达。

copy that的翻译为“复制”,“收到”,“明白”,“同意”。

音标:[ˈkɒpi ðæt]

读法:kaw-pee thaat


copy that的音标为[ˈkɒpi ðæt],其中第一个单词copy读作[kɒpi],第二个单词that读作[ðæt]。


1. 用作肯定回答或确认信息:

A: “请将这份文件复印一份给我。”(Can you make a copy of this document for me?)

B: “Copy that!”(Sure, I will make a copy for you.)

2. 用作指示回应:

A: “请将这封邮件转发给所有员工。”(Please forward this email to all employees.)

B: “Copy that!”(I will forward it to all employees.)

3. 用作同意或接受某人的建议或提议:

A: “我们应该在周末去海滩度假。”(We should go to the beach for a vacation this weekend.)

B: “Copy that!”(That sounds like a great idea!)

4. 用作确认收到信息:

A: “请确认您已经收到了我们的订单。”(Please confirm that you have received our order.)

B: “Copy that!”(I confirm that I have received your order.)

5. 用作回应指示或命令:

A: “请将这份报告发给总经理。”(Please send this report to the general manager.)

B: “Copy that!”(I will send the report to the general manager.)


1. The pilot said, "We are ready for takeoff." The co-pilot replied, "Copy that!" (飞行员说:“我们准备起飞了。”副驾驶回答道:“收到!”)

2. The soldier shouted, "Enemy spotted!" His commander responded, "Copy that, take cover!" (士大喊:“敌人!”指挥官回应道:“明白,找掩护!”)

3. The teacher said, "Everyone needs to finish their homework by tomorrow." The students chorused, "Copy that!" (老师说:“明天之前每个人都要完成作业。”学生们齐声回答道:“同意!”)

4. The police officer ordered, "Put your hands up!" The suspect complied and said, "Copy that." (下令道:“举起双手!”嫌疑人遵从并说道:“明白。”)

5. The boss instructed, "I need this report by noon." The employee nodded and said, "Copy that, I will get it done." (老板吩咐道:“我需要这份报告在中午之前。”员工点头回答:“收到,我会完成的。”)


1. Roger that:与copy that的意思相同,常用于通信领域。

2. Affirmative:肯定的回答,也可用作同意或接受某人的建议。

3. Understood:明白了,表示理解对方所说的话。

4. Got it:明白了,也可以用作肯定回答。

5. Will do:会做到,表示接受并执行命令或指示。


copy that是一个常用于和通信领域的英语短语,意思是“复制”、“收到”、“明白”、“同意”。它可以表示肯定回答、确认信息、接受建议或指示等含义。在口语中也常用作肯定回答或确认信息的表达。它的音标为[ˈkɒpi ðæt],读作kaw-pee thaat。除了copy that外,还有一些与其意思相近的词汇如Roger that、Affirmative等。


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