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coordination什么意思? coordination翻译(中文文):同等,


coordination什么意思? coordination翻译(中文文):同等,



例句1:Effective coordination is crucial for the success of any team project.(有效的协调对于任何团队项目的成功至关重要。)

例句2:The coordination between the sales and marketing departments has improved significantly since we implemented the new strategy.(自从我们实施了新策略以来,销售部门和市场部门之间的协调性显著提高。)

例句3:Good hand-eye coordination is essential for playing sports like tennis or basketball.(良好的手眼协调对于打网球或篮球等运动至关重要。)

例句4:The successful execution of this project was a result of the excellent coordination between all the teams involved.(这个项目成功执行得益于所有参与团队之间的出色协调。)

例句5:The lack of coordination among different government agencies has led to inefficiency and delays in decision-making.(不同之间缺乏协调导致决策效率低下和延误。)


- The team worked in perfect harmony to complete the project on time.(团队完美地协作,按时完成了项目。)

- The collaboration between the two companies resulted in a successful product launch.(两家公司之间的合作导致了成功的产品发布。)

- The synchronization of efforts from all departments led to a smooth and efficient event.(所有部门的努力同步进行,使得活动顺利高效。)



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