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contraction什么意思? contraction翻译(中文文):收缩,



contraction什么意思? contraction翻译(中文文):收缩,


四:1. The heat caused the contraction of the metal, making it easier to bend. 热量导致金属收缩,使其更容易弯曲。

2. During labor, women experience contractions as the muscles in their uterus tighten and relax. 在分娩过程中,女性会感受到肌肉的收缩和放松。

3. The government announced a contraction of the economy by 2% due to the pandemic. 宣布由于的影响,经济将收缩2%。

4. The contraction of the balloon made a loud noise as it burst. 气球爆破时发出巨大的声响。

5. The doctor instructed the patient to take deep breaths during contractions to help with the pain. 医生指示患者在宫缩期间深呼吸以减轻疼痛。


1. Constriction: 同样指收缩或压缩,但更多用于形容器官或血管的收缩。:The constriction of the blood vessels caused a decrease in blood flow. 血管的收缩导致血流量减少。

2. Contraction和contraction都可以表示缩写形式,但contraction更常用于口语中。:I can't instead of I cannot is a contraction. I'd instead of I would is also a contraction.

3. Shrinkage: 指物体或数量的缩小,也可以指人口或规模的减少。:The shrinkage of the ice caps is causing concern for global warming. 冰盖的收缩引发了全球变暖的担忧。

4. Reduction: 指数量、程度或规模的减少。:The company announced a reduction in staff due to financial difficulties. 公司宣布由于财务困难将裁员。




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