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1. lounge是指一个舒适的休息区,通常有沙发、椅子和桌子等家具。它可以用作休息、阅读、聊天或休闲的场所。

2. lounge是一个名词,读音为/lɑʊndʒ/,也可以作动词,读音为/lɑʊndʒ/。

3. 用例:

1) I like to spend my weekends lounging in my living room with a good book.


2) We decided to meet at the hotel lounge for a drink before dinner.


3) The airport lounge was a comfortable place to wait for our flight.


4) He spent the whole day lounging by the pool, enjoying the warm sun.


5) The students were lounging on the grass, chatting and laughing.


4. 组词:lounge chair (躺椅), airport lounge (机场休息室), hotel lounge (酒店休息室), lounge suit (休闲西装), lounge music (轻音乐), lounge lizard (懒散的人)

5. 中英文对照:


1. lounge: n. 休息室,休闲区;v. 懒洋洋地躺着,闲逛

2. A comfortable area for resting, reading, or socializing, typically furnished with sofas, chairs, and tables.


3. Examples:

1) I like to spend my weekends lounging in my living room with a good book.


2) We decided to meet at the hotel lounge for a drink before dinner.


3) The airport lounge was a comfortable place to wait for our flight.


4) He spent the whole day lounging by the pool, enjoying the warm sun.


5) The students were lounging on the grass, chatting and laughing.


4. 组词:

lounge chair: 躺椅

airport lounge: 机场休息室

hotel lounge: 酒店休息室

lounge suit: 休闲西装

lounge music: 轻音乐

lounge lizard: 懒散的人



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