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constitution什么意思? constitution翻译(中文文):宪法,


constitution什么意思? constitution翻译(中文文):宪法,


【三】用法:constitution作为名词使用,可表示“宪法”、“”、“构成”等意思。:“The country's constitution guarantees freedom of speech.” (这个的宪法保障言论自由。)


1. The constitution of this country was established in 1787.(这个的宪法于1787年建立。)

2. According to the constitution, the president has the power to veto bills passed by Congress.(根据宪法,有权否决国会通过的议案。)

3. The new constitution has been met with both praise and criticism from citizens.(新宪法受到了公民们的赞扬和批评。)

4. It is important for a country to have a stable and fair constitution.(一个拥有稳定公正的宪法非常重要。)

5. The constitution guarantees the separation of powers among the three branches of government.(宪法保证了三个分支的权力分立。)


1. charter:指或组织的文件,也可指特许状或特许证书。

2. fundamental law:指最基本的法律,也可指宪法。

3. basic law:指基本法律,也可指宪法。

4. supreme law:指最高的法律,也可指宪法。

5. organic law:指规范组织和运行的基本法律。




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