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consensus是什么意思? consensus翻译(中文文):一致同意,


consensus是什么意思? consensus翻译(中文文):一致同意,



例句1:After much discussion, we finally reached a consensus on the new project proposal. (经过讨论后,我们最终就新项目提案达成了共识。)

例句2:There is a growing consensus among scientists that climate change is a pressing issue. (科学家们越来越一致认为气候变化是一个紧迫的问题。)

例句3:The United Nations is working towards a global consensus on human rights. (联合国正在努力达成全球人权共识。)

例句4:The decision was made by consensus, with everyone in the group agreeing to it. (这个决定是通过共识做出的,在小组中每个人都同意了它。)

例句5:It's important to have a consensus before making any major changes to the company's policies. (在对公司做出重大改变之前,达成共识很重要。)

同义词及用法:agreement (n.) - 一致,同意。:The two sides reached an agreement on the terms of the contract. (双方就合同条款达成了一致。)

harmony (n.) - 和谐,一致。:We need to work together in harmony to achieve our goals. (为了实现我们的目标,我们需要和谐地共同努力。)

consent (v./n.) - 同意,允许。:She gave her consent for the surgery to be performed. (她同意进行手术。)

unanimity (n.) - 全体一致,无异议。:The decision was made with complete unanimity among all members. (所有成员都完全一致地做出了这个决定。)



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