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1. conditioner作为调节器时,常用于描述空气调节或电子设备中的器。它可以通过改变温度、湿度、风速等参数来调节环境条件。:

- The air conditioner in my office is not working properly.(我办公室里的空调不正常工作了。)


- The conditioner on the wall allows you to adjust the temperature and fan speed.(墙上的调节器可以让你调整温度和风速。)

2. conditioner作为护发素时,通常指洗发后使用的一种液态或乳状产品。它可以滋养头发、修复受损部分、保持头发柔顺光泽。:

- I always use a conditioner after shampooing my hair.(洗完头发后我总是会使用护发素。)

- This conditioner claims to be able to repair split ends and make hair smoother.(这款护发素声称能够修复分叉和让头发更顺滑。)


1. The air conditioner in my hotel room was broken, making it difficult to sleep in the hot weather.


2. My hair feels so soft and smooth after using this conditioner.


3. Can you turn on the air conditioner? It's getting really hot in here.


4. I always forget to pack my conditioner when I travel, and my hair ends up looking frizzy.


5. The new air conditioner model is more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.



1. adjuster:指可以改变某种参数或状态的设备或人员,也可以指保险公司中负责处理索赔的人员。

- The adjuster on the thermostat can be used to control the room temperature.(温控器上的调节器可以用来室温。)

- The insurance company sent an adjuster to assess the damage to my car after the accident.(保险公司派遣了一个理赔专员来评估我车祸后的损失。)

2. moisturizer:指润肤产品或保湿剂,可以滋润皮肤、防止皮肤干燥。

- I always apply a moisturizer before putting on makeup.(化妆前我总是会涂抹一层保湿霜。)

- This moisturizer contains natural oils to nourish and hydrate the skin.(这款润肤霜含有天然油脂,可以滋养和保湿皮肤。)

3. regulator:指监管或调节器,可以某种流量或压力。

- The government has set up a new regulator to oversee the financial industry.(成立了一个新的监管来监督金融行业。)

- The gas regulator needs to be adjusted to ensure the correct pressure for cooking.(煤气调节器需要被调整以确保烹饪时的正确压力。)




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