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composite material是什么意思,composite material的


composite material是什么意思,composite material的

怎么读(音标):[kɑmˈpɑzət məˈtɪriəl]

用法:作为一个名词,composite material通常用来指代由两种或以上的不同材料组合而成的一种新型材料。它可以被用于制造各种产品,如飞机、汽车、建筑物、电子设备等。

例句1:The new airplane is made of a composite material that is both lightweight and strong.(这架新飞机是由一种既轻便又坚固的复合材料制造而成。)

例句2:Composite materials have become increasingly popular in the construction industry due to their durability and flexibility.(由于其耐久性和灵活性,复合材料在建筑行业越来越受欢迎。)

例句3:The company specializes in producing composite materials for use in the automotive industry.(该公司专门生产用于汽车工业的复合材料。)

例句4:Composite materials are often used in the production of sports equipment due to their high strength-to-weight ratio.(复合材料常被用于生产运动器材,因为它们具有高强度与重量比。)

例句5:The bridge was built using a composite material that is resistant to corrosion and extreme weather conditions.(这座桥梁是用一种抗腐蚀和极端天气条件的复合材料建造的。)

同义词及用法:composite material的同义词包括composite, composite product, composite build, composite structure等。它们可以互换使用,表示由两种或以上的不同材料组合而成的一种新型材料。



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