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compile什么意思? compile翻译(中文文):编译, 编辑, 汇




1. The programmer spent hours compiling the code to ensure it would run smoothly. 程序员花了几个小时来编译代码,以确保它能够顺利运行。

compile什么意思? compile翻译(中文文):编译, 编辑, 汇

2. The editor compiled a list of potential ics for the next issue of the magazine. 编辑汇集了一份潜在的杂志下期专题的清单。

3. The researcher compiled data from various sources to support her hypothesis. 研究人员从多个来源汇集数据来支持她的假设。

4. I need to compile all of my notes into one cohesive report before the deadline. 截止日期前我需要将所有笔记整合成一份连贯的报告。

5. The company compiled a comprehensive training manual for new employees. 公司为新员工编撰了一本全面的培训手册。

同义词及用法:gather, collect, assemble, organize


1. The journalist gathered information from different sources to write her article. 这位记者从不同的来源收集信息来写她的文章。

2. The team collected data from their experiments to present at the conference. 团队从他们的实验中收集数据来在上展示。

3. We need to assemble all of the necessary documents before we can submit our application. 我们需要收集所有必要的文件才能提交申请。

4. She organized all of her research findings into a detailed report. 她将所有的研究结果整理成一份详细的报告。




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