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的意思是补偿,赔偿,补偿金。怎么读(音标):英 [ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn] 美 [ˌkɑːmpenˈseɪʃn]。用法:作为名词,表示为了弥补损失或不便所支付的钱或其他物品。可以用作不可数名词,也可以用作可数名词。:The company offered her a large compensation for the damage to her car. (公司为她汽车的损坏提供了大笔赔偿。)作为动词,表示弥补,补偿。:The company compensated the victims of the accident for their injuries. (公司赔偿了事故受害者的伤害。)

例句1:The airline offered passengers compensation for the delay of their flight. (航空公司为延误航班的乘客提供了补偿。)

例句2:He received a large amount of compensation for his work on the project. (他因参与该项目工作而获得了大量的补偿。)


例句3:The government is providing financial compensation to farmers affected by the drought. (正在向受干旱影响的农民提供经济补偿。)

例句4:She was awarded compensation for the discrimination she faced at her workplace. (她因在工作场所遭受歧视而获得了赔偿。)

例句5:The company will compensate customers for any damages caused by their faulty product. (公司将为因其有缺陷的产品造成的任何损失向客户赔偿。)

同义词及用法:recompense, restitution, indemnity, remuneration。这些词都可以表示补偿或赔偿,但在用法上有所不同。recompense通常指为了弥补损失而支付的钱或物品,也可以指报酬或回报。:She was given a large recompense for her hard work. (她因辛勤工作而得到了巨额补偿。)restitution指通过归还或赔偿来弥补受害者的损失,通常用于法律上。:The judge ordered the thief to make restitution to the victim. (命令小偷向受害者进行赔偿。)indemnity指通过保险或协议来保护免责,避免损失,也可以指支付的赔款。:The company provided indemnity for any damages caused by their product. (公司为其产品造成的任何损失提供了保险赔偿。)remuneration则主要指为工作或服务所支付的报酬,也可以指补偿或回报。:He received a high remuneration for his work as a consultant. (作为顾问,他得到了高额的报酬。)



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