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compare什么意思? compare翻译(中文文):比较, 相比, 比


compare什么意思? compare翻译(中文文):比较, 相比, 比



1. I always compare prices before making a purchase. 我总是在购买前比较价格。

2. Let's compare our test scores and see who did better. 让我们比较一下我们的考试成绩,看看谁做得更好。

3. This year's sales figures are much higher compared to last year's. 与去年相比,今年的销售额大幅增加。

4. It's not fair to compare yourself to others, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. 将自己与他人比较是不公平的,每个人都有自己的优点和缺点。

5. The two paintings are very similar, but if you look closely, you can see some subtle differences when you compare them side by side. 这两幅画非常相似,但如果你仔细观察,在将它们并排比较时可以看到一些细微的差别。


1. Contrast (对比):指通过强调事物之间的差异来进行对比。:Let's contrast the two proposals and see which one is more feasible.

2. Compare and contrast (对比和对照):指同时进行对比和对照。:In this essay, we will compare and contrast the different approaches to solving this problem.

3. Analyze (分析):指通过仔细研究和评估来进行对比。:We need to analyze the data and compare it with previous years' to see if there are any significant changes.

4. Match (匹配):指将两个事物进行对比,以找出它们之间的相似之处。:Can you match these socks? They all look the same to me.

5. Equate (等同):指将两个事物看作相同或平等来进行对比。:I don't think we can equate success with wealth, there are many other factors that contribute to one's success.


Compare是一个常用的动词,用于描述对两个或多个事物进行对比。它可以帮助我们事物的相同点和不同点,从而更好地理解它们。除了常见的意思“比较”外,compare还可以表示“相比”、“对照”。在使用时,我们可以搭配不同的介词来表达不同的含义,如compare with, compare to, compare against等。同时,我们还可以使用一些近义词来增强表达的多样性和准确性。总的来说,掌握好compare这个词的用法能够帮助我们更有效地表达自己的想法,并且在写作或口语中更加流利地运用英语。


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